Welcome to HyperOT
HyperOT maximizes yield on your USD-based deposits through an automated looping strategy, ensuring participants get the highest returns anywhere in the ecosystem.
How to use:
Users simply deposit USDC to get HyperUSD, a receipt token that links you to your USDC deposit.
A whitelisted user deposits 200 USDC and receives ~200 newly-minted HyperUSD in return, minus the gas & execution fees to execute the transaction.
Slippage & execution fees are included in the price when minting & redeeming. HyperOT earns no profit from the minting or redeeming of HyperUSD.
HyperOT stakes the USDC into a Liquid Staking Protocol (i.e Thunderhead), receives HyperUSD, then supplies it to a decentralized lending protocol, borrows USDC against sUSDe, and stakes USDC again. This strategy is recursively executed up to 15x.
Hyper OT rebalances the position daily. Based on the current market conditions, the multiplier is adjusted for the most efficient and safest looping strategy.
As the fund grows, the redemption rate increases, users are able to redeem their USDC for HyperUSD.
Behind the scenes:
HyperOT proactively seeks out looping opportunities across lending protocols. Alternatively, HyperOT, on participants feedback can choose to participate in ETH/wstETH positions alongside a partial short ETH position to ensure that users' returns are minimally exposed to underlying asset volatility. Additional yields can be captured through opportunistic arbitrage and auto-harvesting of rewards. However, the core strategy focuses on low-risk leveraged looping. Stringent risk management and monitoring infrastructure is set up on these strategies.
HyperOT handles the heavy lifting of leveraged looping for you. It checks real-time data, rebalances daily, and keeps everyone on the same multiplier to maximize efficiency while protecting your capital. Enjoy optimized returns and peace of mind in any market conditions.
This documentation provides comprehensive information about Hyper OT, its features, and how to get started.
Last updated